About UMLC
At the Upper Midwest Law Center, our mission is to pursue pro-freedom litigation safeguarding against government overreach, left-wing special interest agendas, constitutional violations, and public union corruption.
We are warriors for justice, defenders of individual liberties, and champions of accountability.
Together, we fight to preserve freedom, uphold the Constitution, and expose abuses of power.
Join us in our unwavering commitment to a fair and transparent Minnesota. Let’s make a stand for liberty and justice for all.
What We Do
The Upper Midwest Law Center is a center-right, non-profit, public interest law firm founded in 2019 by Attorney Douglas P. Seaton. Until UMLC was formed, citizens and businesses wronged by governmental agency overreach, public union corruption and misconduct by special interests relied upon private parties or pass-the-hat techniques to support their cases. Although these methods often worked, this was an inefficient system which often resulted in windfalls or shortfalls for the private law firms involved.
UMLC’s lawyers work without charge to clients, and legal recoveries are repurposed to fund additional litigation. UMLC brings cases to uphold the rule of law and stop unlawful actions and practices which violate citizen rights and hamper business operations in Minnesota and beyond.
Our lawsuits are vetted by our Lawyers Advisory Board, with some of the best legal minds in Minnesota. UMLC works cooperatively with Center of the American Experiment, “Minnesota’s Think Tank.”
Learn more about our ongoing legal battles here.