UMLC Sues the State on Behalf of Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus Over Frankenstein Omnibus Bill and Its Binary Trigger Provision

The Lawsuit Calls Out Violations of the Constitution’s Single Subject Clause, Noting Gun Regulations are Unrelated to the Operation and Finance of State Government   Today, the Upper Midwest Law Center filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus...

UMLC Calls on Prior Lake-Savage Area School District to Apologize to Teacher Censored for Facebook Speech Supporting Trump Immigration Policy

The educator was disciplined for political speech protected under the First Amendment and suspended for seven days without pay Yesterday, the Upper Midwest Law Center (UMLC), representing fourth grade teacher Brooke Zahn, sent a letter to the Prior Lake-Savage Area...

UMLC Data Requests Will Delve into Minneapolis Police Department Budget Cuts

Minnetonka, Minn. – This month, the Upper Midwest Law Center (UMLC) launched an investigation into the Minneapolis City Council’s controversial 2025 city budget, putting in a formal data request under the Data Practices Act. UMLC is looking for more information on the...