Imagine not being able to speak your mind or being fired from your job for refusing to participate in illegal activity. Imagine the government taking your property without compensation.
This is what UMLC is fighting against.
Imagine not being able to speak your mind or being fired from your job for refusing to participate in illegal activity. Imagine the government taking your property without compensation.
This is what UMLC is fighting against.
The Upper Midwest Law Center (UMLC) has formally requested that the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) investigate 15 Minnesota school districts
The Lawsuit Calls Out Violations of the Constitution’s Single Subject Clause, Noting Gun Regulations are Unrelated to the Operation and Finance of State Government
The educator was disciplined for political speech protected under the First Amendment and suspended for seven days without pay Yesterday, the Upper Midwest Law Center (UMLC),