
Watch the fourteenth episode of Minnesota Law Weekly. Upper Midwest Law Center attorney James Dickey discusses one of Minnesota's most underrated issues: Government Transparency. Recently, UMLC filed a lawsuit in Minnesota District Court against the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) and Commissioner Steve Grove on behalf of Journalist Tony Webster over DEED's failure to provide Mr. Webster answers to data requests.
This week, the Upper Midwest Law Center (UMLC) announced a lawsuit in Minnesota District Court against the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development and Commissioner Steve Grove that alleges Commissioner Grove, acting in his official capacity but using his personal Twitter account, blocked his constituents and then refused to provide his “block list” in response to journalist Tony Webster’s data request.
Today, the Upper Midwest Law Center (UMLC) announced the filing of a new lawsuit in the United States District Court of Minnesota against the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis on behalf of Officer Rodney Maki, a nearly twenty-four-year law-enforcement employee of the bank. The Bank fired Maki in January 2022 because of Maki’s religious objections to the COVID-19 vaccine.